Pregnant (Untitled Comp) - Ben Wisely / Studio Seventeen © 2010
This is just a little teaser comp from my new work. When finished this image should be an epic eight by four foot C-type print. As an ever growing part of a series of images from test shoots. The simple set up offers a space to reveal the model / sitter's self awareness and self engagement. The nakedness introduces an additional vector..... I have yet to fully understand.
I have always thought of my photographic process as 'straight'. I don't tend to alter much after the event, post work for me is often spotting a few dust marks and maybe a subtle bit of curves to move the images contrast. Recently though I have started to do a little more retouch work and have found it pleasantly revealing. Below is an image from a friend of mine, Claire Harrison that really exposes the positive power of a little editing. I also found myself cleaning skin and aiming for a 'fashion look' this is in direct contrast to my usual warts and all approach. I'm not sure what it means but with the ease of manipulation I can appreciate how magazine and advertising images become over edited expose's of a cultural ideal.
Autumn - Claire Harrison Photography - © 2010