
Genealogy. Maybe.

Looking back at all the experiments I can easily trace most of my technical choices. Although I can never firmly pin why it is that I make these images. I have strived to avoid the question. If you look at it and something goes on for you, great. But for me more than anything it is just getting it done. These current multi-focal composites are a departure from this method of approaching my work. They are the following of a series of ideas surrounding photography to a conclusion within their own logic.

For me photographic images have fundamentally changed. We are all familiar with the transition to digital. Instead of a chemical process, photographic images are encoded samples taken from a sensor. Whiles there has been this fundamental shift in the mediums underlying working, by and large the use and conceptual development has continued in the paradigm of traditional photography. Welcoming digital for the technical enhancement it has brought but treating it much the same, with the core focus being on the 'image' as subject matter, a human computational outcome. It is hard to ignore this intuitive, taught method of interacting with images. 
It is so hard to explain the shift in feeling towards images in this sense. It is like sitting back and looking at the world pass by and realizing that most things are the sum function of a rule being abided by. Adherence to a rule enforces the rule. Thinking of an image as data, takes the image into a purely abstract space. But this is the habitat of the modern image. The real innovations in photography happen outside 'photography'. The software development, the opening of new domains of interaction. The treatment of an image as product of a given data-set in an ever growing dataverse. Projects like Joachim Sauter & Dirk Lüsebrink’s ‘Invisible Shapes of Things Past’ expose these potentials. But there are millions of examples from Scene Completion to Automated Facial Recognition. All leveraging computation over the data to create something that is more than a photographic image. At the moment the use of images in this manor is treated as a little novel but these data hybrids are only going to grow and further penetrate peoples use of the image.

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